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Why should children see an Osteopathic Practitioner if they don't have pain?

That's a great, valid question!

(The left is the before treatment picture the right is the after. Take a look and compare the shoulders and the weight is distributed better throughout the legs on the right. *Her height didn't change though, that's just my poor photography set up. haha)

Children are resilient (we’ve heard that word so much during this time of Covid-19, I almost feel like I should choose a different word!) And yes, they ARE resilient and we want to help them STAY that way.

Children's bodies have an amazing ability to compensate when things aren’t right. This is a good thing on one hand and not so on another. The body “compensates” when one part/area isn’t doing its job so another part/area has to pick up the slack.

Often, pain isn’t felt in a young person the same way in an older (more experienced ;) person. What also happens when the body compensates, is the body has to work harder than it should to maintain homeostatic balance inside and out. The body is able to compensate through the MSK (musculoskeletal) system AND internally through visceral and physiological changes which can show up as; unexplained fatigue, bowel/bladder issues, sleeping disturbances, digestive troubles, stress and anxiety etc.

Some children are more body aware and can tell you when things feel off or where they're experiencing ouchies. While others just feel it and let it go annnnd…...that’s not always bad. (Knowing when to come for treatment or when to let their body sort itself out, can be discussed on an individual case to ensure proper advice.) However, if your child is “off”, they could benefit from an osteopathic treatment (and an ice cream!)

Children tend to respond very well to osteopathic treatment and often require one treatment here and there. The best and most optimal time is during major growth spurts such as the onset of puberty.

Questions are always welcome so reach out for some guidance.



Osteopathic Manual Practitioner



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